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We are building a RSS Reader: first prototype online

2013-03-21 15:07:16

Since the start of MyNews.is our goal was to build a product where user have the control over the information they would get, and not a dumb machine over-filtering system, that traps you into a filter bubble. Because of that on MyNews.is you can always see and change the ratings we use to bring you your top news, you can rate categories and sources and add new sources (beta. You stay in control over the information you get, and only on top of that we add some serendipity.We didn't built a simple RSS Reader because Google Reader was doing a good job on this part, but as Google Reader is shutting down on July 1st, we started to work on a simple RSS reader.

Today, less than 7 days after, we are pleased to announce our first iteration: Reader.is.

It's very simple for now. Only RSS support (no Atom), no Google Reader import, no read article tracking, no sharing options, no API access, no Facebook login. This is only for getting your feedback and see what are the most important points to focus first. Of course all this points I mentioned will be built in the next days and weeks.

Back end

The main difference to the other Google Reader alternatives that where mentioned these days is that we have a back end and are not depended on the Google API to work. We adapted the back end that we had in MyNews.is and adapt it to the new use case.

API and App Platform

We will have an API for developers to access users news feeds like the Google Reader API, but not only that. We will also allow developers to build apps directly on Reader.is. More informations will follow in the next weeks. For the moment you can sign up here:http://developers.mynews.is/

Check out Reader.is and send us your feedback.
